Today's cigar is the Davidoff Special Series Robusto in a 4.8x50 vitola. Davidoff is known as one of the premier premium cigar makers in the industry. The Special Series features an Ecuadorian Connecticut Wrapper with a binder and fillers hailing from the Dominican Republic which is where this cigar is made. I have not had the pleasure of smoking this cigar yet but reviewers say that the rich honey, vanilla and musk flavors are throughout while nuances of milk chocolate and lemon come through at different points. This is a mild-medium complex beauty. I chose this to be today's cigar because this day in 1792 is when the first cornerstone of the White House was laid. Regardless of anyone's opinion on the president or the staff one thing remains true, the White House is one of the most historically significant things in our rich history. From being burned down and rebuilt to hosting family events nothing is more recognizable to the world than the White House.
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